Well dressings in (clockwise from top left) Eyam, Wormhill, Eyam (children's well), Eyam again, and Foolow, in Derbyshire, UK. They are made by pressing flower petals, leaves, seeds, moss, all sorts of natural materials,

into specially prepared trays of damp clay, following a drawn design. They last about a week and money is collected for various charities as people come to see them

Try the link for more info about exactly how and why they are made.

The textures achieved are well worth examining, and the colour shading, a lot of the pinks and blues are done with hydrangea petals. The drawing is good this year, I think, and some of the borders could be stitching designs for seams, once again! I see them everywhere now!
I haven't mentioned a technical challenge recently. This post reminds me firmly that I need help in getting the photos exactly where I want them. Anyone out there reading this got any experience to share? (I know I could ask Jenny again . . . )