Tuesday, November 29, 2011

The story of the Bible in 12 words . . .

 .. . . . .  sounds impossible, but it can be done.  See here , at the SGM Lifewords site for more information.
Each word takes you further along the chronological journey of the Bible, and also sums up big themes that crop up all through the book. 
I did the first word, LIGHT , using felt tip pens and acrylic paints, on ordinary printer paper, not realising at the time that I'd start getting ideas coming into my head for all the others too as time went by.  We've had talks and studies on them all at church now and found it really satisfying and stimulating stuff!
 Sometimes the word is hard to read, so I'll label them.  The idea was to do the word in a way that expressed the theme, rather than simply adding it to some other sort of images.


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