Featuring all kinds of areas that overlap with and give stimulus to embroidery - colours, shapes, textures, painting, quilting, the natural world . . .
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
TAST update
Some pistil stitch and double detached chain. I liked using a second thread for the repeated chain, and they bunch together quite nicely. There are more things to be done with all the recent stitches, but I've only had time for rather sketchy dabs at them.
But this is the sort of project that can be returned to whenever time allows. I still have at least a foot of my fabric strip to fill, so I shall have to keep going.
Transfer paints postcard . . .
More Christmas Postcards
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Snowbirds, alias . . .
. . . two granddaughters in the local Christmas parade.
The members of their brownie pack all wore sort of gowns made from old sheets with plastic bags cut into strips and stitched on. I helped their mum with making the gowns and she sewed all the strips on. At least one of my four daughters sews now and then! They won a trophy but don't seem to know what exactly it was.
Friday, December 07, 2007
Please read Dec 7 posts in reverse order.
Scroll down . . .
. . . and read the post below first. This is the back of 2 of the pieces pictured below. Interesting.
Both sides with the book in - my TAST notebook actually! The whole spread:
And, nothing to do with the above . . .Then I did some more blending and couching and have made a re-useable cover for a book.

. . . this card came from Oxfam. What wonderful metal embroidery, done in India.
Using the embellisher . . .
I'm experimenting with sending a pic direct to the blog from Picasa 2. Actually, I have some more pix, but can't figure out how to add them here. So there may be another post with them in
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
New stitching challenges . . .
Linda left a comment on my last TAST posting asking whatever would I do in 2008, with TAST finished. Well, here's the answer - Sharon B's new challenge. I've found with TAST over the year that the amount of stitching I've been able to do has varied a lot. Sometimes I've had a lot of ideas to try out on a stitch, sometimes none at all beyond simply doing the basic stitch. When other tasks have had priority and something has to be squeezed it has often been TAST, but iIhave tred to catch up when I could. There is quite a satisfying feeling to having stuck with it, however imperfectly at times. Musn't speak too soon, there are some more weeks to go! Here's thorn stitch and knotted cable chain - which is a bit like oyster stitch, isn't it, with an extended bit?
And ok its a bit early for Christmas, but I've made one seasonally appropriate postcard.
A second challenge is being run by Infinity, the Quilters' Guild Contemporary Quilt group local manifestation in Poole. This year members have been making A4 size journal quilts by the process described in my last post. We have one more of those - 'South America, animals, Picasso' are the three categories. Well, what would YOU do? The new challenge is to do a 12" by 12" quilt every 2 months, to a theme lucky dipped from words suggested by members. We've picked the first - 'beachcombing'. So, if I haven't got anything much to think about over Chrstmas all that can fill the gap!
So we have to have a nice beach photo. This is Dunnet Bay, on the northernmost mainland coast of Scotland.
Contemporary Quilt Group,
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Fishy journal quilt . . .
. . . made for a contemporary quilt group that meets locally once a month. We go through a complicated ritual of dice throwing to arrive at 3 criteria for the next JQ. This one was fish, orange and India. The second of these would be more obvious if the colours in the pic had been truer, and for the third you need to know that the fishes eyes and the square sequins came from India!
The background was coloured using transfer paints, having had my interest in them rekindled by Carol Dowsett's recent mini-workshop at a QG day (see a recent post).
This was the previous month's effort - silk (all silk fabrics used), log cabin and Kandinsky. Not sure which way up it should go . . .
I'm still doing the JQ's for the national CQ group challenge and have now finished november . . .
October is nearly finished and I can't find the design layout I drew for december, grrr!
September and october are both inspired by a tidying up and sorting spree I've been on and involve using bits that have spoken to me as they have been unearthed. November is partly that - a computer design I filed quite a while ago, plus the surprising colours of a tree currently displaying at the end of our garden.
TAST latest
There are only 3 more weeks to go with this challenge. The year has gone quickly! This is mainly pekinese stitch (week 45) and a small chunk of chain braid stitch (46). Didn't like the latter much, it kept falling over, as Sharon did warn us it might, and I tied it down with small stitches. 47, thorn stitch needs more examples to be done but a start has been made.
I still have quite a bit of space left on this strip, (rolled up on top of the chair), so I may revisit some of the stitches that I didn't do much with and see if further inspiration is forthcoming.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007
What a pessimist . . .
. . . it was just a momentary blip.
I've been making postcards again, trying out faux chenille, where the top fabric doesn't look like such a good choice as it is staying a bit flat. Or maybe the lines are too wide. The strips seem to be my default mode!
Then I fancied doing something in black and white, and stitched writing interests me too at the moment. The second one uses up some scraps from, believe it or not, my C&G part 2 quilt, where I coloured a lot of fabric with oilbars (Markal / Shiva paintsticks). That was about 10 years ago. How's that for hoarding?
Then there is yet another palm tree. They are all over the place here where we live, and the one in next door's garden fascinates me. The black/yellow one is a nice bit of batik, a black strip and a yellow ribbon, hand fly stitch with colours reversed, very simple.
At the Quilters' Guild day where I won the embellisher we had 3 workshops, one of which was Carol Dowsett doing a postcard using cut-out leaf shapes and fabric transfer paints. Same technique as in the taster for the new QuiltWOW, beginning soon, quilters' version of the embroiderery Workshop on the Web. I got it finished eventually, when I ran out of space for seed stitches.
I've been making postcards again, trying out faux chenille, where the top fabric doesn't look like such a good choice as it is staying a bit flat. Or maybe the lines are too wide. The strips seem to be my default mode!
Problems . . .
. . . with downloading pix to the blog. Frustrating when I'm trying to get going again after a bit of a gap with a nasty throat infection. At least something from our trip to Dundee has been recorded, but it looks like a wait before I can do any more.
Introducing Angelina . . .
. . . no, not the fibres, the rabbit, who lives in a run in the garden of daughter and family's house in Dundee. She likes dandelions.
And some nice art work from the eldest grandchild - pink tulips.
And some flowers still surviving in November - global warming? But the valley of the Tay is sheltered compared to most of Scotland.
Bridges over rivers - Rail and road bridges over the Tay, and over the Forth, and we were on the train this time.

Dundee station has some interesting patterns in the roofwork - maybe a quilt sometime.
Thursday, November 08, 2007
Birmingham daisy
Now we have a new computer we've been able to load Picasa, and I've had a go at manipulating some photos. This is a daisy-type flower with a shot of traffic cones on the M6/M5 intersection in Birmingham, believe it or not!
A straight day out . . .
. . . with no exhibitions or fabric shops in sight. On the last day of half term we had a family outing to the Blue Pool, near Wareham in Dorset. The colour comes from the type of clay forming its bed. There's a walk through pleasant woodland around the pool, and coffee and gift shops but it is all very natural and not at all touristy. DH and daughter stride off along the leafy path and I am looking for nice views and the obligatory colour and texture shots!

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