Wednesday, May 04, 2011

Just a bit more creativity . . .

. . .from DGD 5, a cupcake cushion cover, all done by her except the free machining on the icing.  I'm not letting her loose on my machine to that extent yet I'm afraid.

 . . . from me - one of 6 paintings 7' x 3'6" of places on Jerusalem, for use in our church over the Easter period.  I'll put pix of the others in somewhen.  Done on calico using remnants of household paint.  This one is part of the view over the city from the Dominus flevit church, commemorating the place where Jesus Christ is thought to have wept over Jerusalem a few days before the crucifixion.
 . . .  and from God - lichen or fungus of some other sort forms on offcuts and remnants of wood DH collects around the neighbourhood, saving people dumping it in landfill.  These shapes and textures are so extraordinary!

1 comment:

Mandy said...

The photos of the fungus are amazing. They are so beautiful. The cupcake cushion cover looks lovely, your grand-daughter must be so proud of it. Lessons in free-machining can wait until she is rather older, and owns her own machine. When I taught my own daughter, I found it very difficult to get access to my own machine............