Featuring all kinds of areas that overlap with and give stimulus to embroidery - colours, shapes, textures, painting, quilting, the natural world . . .
Thursday, April 26, 2007
TAST palestrina and running stitch
Friday, April 20, 2007
Nice surprise.
Progress of Spring
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Blue / orange, yellow / purple
TAST oysters
Update on the purple sprouting . . .
Monday, April 16, 2007
Book-making and birds' nests
And because I think a blog entry should always have at least one pic here's one that is nothing to do with anything, just rather sad - an abandoned moorhen's nest on the canal near us. A neat idea, but the wheel must have come loose and drifted away from where it was firdt set up.
Sunday, April 15, 2007
message from somewhere new . . .

And off to new horizons in Poole! Which doesn't look like this either.
Really I just wanted to try doing a new post on someone elses's computer. Ours has been so troublesome lately. This one has worked like a dream! Except that the only photos I can find to use are sample ones. Never mind, they illustrate the point quite well.