Saturday, August 18, 2007

Introducing our new garden . . .

I can't believe we have a vine full of these in the greenhouse! And here's a selection of flowers

and something else to eat


verobirdie said...

Barbara, congratulations for your garden! What is the flower below the passion flower ?

Pat said...

Oh my goodness, is that a Mulberry Tree, if so I am envious, I have only tasted them once (at Hardwick Hall) and they were wonderful. I wish you joy of your new garden.

Barbara Cheeseman said...

Thanks for comments, Pat and Verobirdie. I'd like to know what the flower is too - it's a shrub hanging over the wall at the end of the garden. And the fruit is rapberries actually, it must be the angle of the shot that disguises them rather. I've seen mulberry trees at Little Moreton Hall, NT Elizabethan house in Cheshire