Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Introducing Angelina . . .

. . . no, not the fibres, the rabbit, who lives in a run in the garden of daughter and family's house in Dundee. She likes dandelions.And some nice art work from the eldest grandchild - pink tulips.And some flowers still surviving in November - global warming? But the valley of the Tay is sheltered compared to most of Scotland.

Bridges over rivers - Rail and road bridges over the Tay, and over the Forth, and we were on the train this time. Dundee station has some interesting patterns in the roofwork - maybe a quilt sometime.

Fireworks in the garden on November 5th which didn't look like a ghost at the time!

Graffitti - was someone trying to brighten up Abertay University and the almost unrelieved greyness of the city?
Someone has planted a small patch of meadow flowers - poppies, cornflowers, oxeye daisies, at the foot of the multi-story carpark across the road.
High rises with views of the North Sea beyond Broughty Ferry with its castle on the promontory.

And we did get to the beach - on a windy day

1 comment:

verobirdie said...

Glad to meet Angelina. She's got nice ears.
Congratulation to the grandchild, the tulips do look like tulips
And thank you for the visit!